Open Hardware Month is a format by OSHWA (the Open Source Hardware Association). OSHWA is calling for worldwide action in the name of Open Source Hardware.
RIAT will be hosting the format “Open Hardware Dialogues”, which follows the footsteps of a RIAT publication with the name “Openism – Conversations in Open Hardware”. This publication sheds light into the motivations and different open source strategies, as well as the different levels of openness in open design movements.
Open Hardware Dialogues is a program by RIAT as part of OSHWA Open Hardware Month. Read an overview of the different events and formats at the dedicated page.
- 2019/10/01: OHM Kick Off Event: Open Hardware Dialogues, Apertus AXIOM (at RIAT Vienna)
- 2019/10/04: Talk: The past, present and future of Opt-Out with Open and Libre Hardware (at HCPP: Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis)
- 2019/10/04: decentral.community at HCPP: 36c3 planning meeting
- 2019/10/04: Materialities of modern Cryptography (Paralelni Polis, Prague)
- 2019/10/05: Black Crystal Workshop by RIAT and Riddle&Code (at HCPP: Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis)
- 2019/10/07: Japan Blockchain Week
- 2019/10/10: Open Hardware Panel at Ethereum Devcon5 (Paul Gardner-Stephen, Cameron Robertson, Matthias Tarasiewicz)
- 2019/10/10: Future of Open Hardware in a (Verifiable) Decentralised World (@parasew at Devcon5 Osaka, Japan)
- 2019/10/30: Decentralized Athens
2019-10-01 Open Hardware Month Kick-Off
The format Open Hardware Dialogues starts with an Open Hardware Month Kick-Off event on October, which is organised together with Apertus AXIOM Open Source Cinema. This event will showcase prototypes, experiences and other insights of over 10 years of open hardware development at Apertus – which is the first fully open professional cinema camera. A strong focus will be set on the AXIOM Beta, a professional digital cinema camera built around FOSS and open hardware licenses. RIAT has successfully worked with Apertus on a Horizon 2020 ICT project from the European Union.
RIAT actions will further contextualize the OSHWA Open Hardware Month, and will give an overview of other hardware projects such as the cryptography hardware of Riddle+Code, an Austria based company with which RIAT has been previously developing cryptography+hardware workshops with.
2019-10-04 Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis
Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis (HCPP) will start soon – and this year’s topic is “Opt Out”. Similar to last year, we are expecting the international (but mostly European) Monero community to gather alongside a lot of Bitcoin maximalists (pun intended). Last year during HCPP, various actors around the Monero community gathered to plan the participation at the 35c3 (Chaos Communication Congress) and – as a reminder – here is a great writeup from rehrar about the successfully implemented Monero stage. This year’s HCPP is sponsored by xmr.to, so there will naturally be a strong Monero flavour. There will be a dedicated meeting to discuss this years’ 36c3 and the continuation of the decentral.community (planning has already started and we expect the cluster to grow even further this year). In case you didn’t get a ticket to HCPP anymore – there might be a strong secondary market, as the last official ticket went for 1 BTC (or roughly 140 XMR), but take this with a grain of salt, as people are really excited about this event.
2019-10-05 decentral.community at HCPP: 36c3 planning meeting
During HCPP in Prague, the implementation of decentral.community at 36c3 will be discussed, planned and concluded.
2019-10-05 “Black Crystal” Workshop from RIAT and Riddle+Code
On Saturday, October 5th there will be an (early) half-day workshop with the title “Black Crystal” organised by RIAT and Riddle+Code. The workshop follows the huge success of the previous format “decentralised ID authentication & access workshop”, which has been held in RIAT Vienna in July 2019 and covered topics such as Shamir Secret Sharing, Machine Identities, and Decentralised Identifiers. Register for the workshop at eventbrite.
2019-10-04 – 2019-10-07 “Materialities of Modern Cryptography”
Following the tradition of RIAT’s decentral archive of process artefacts a new edition of the RIAT cabinet has been created for HCPP and Japan Blockchain Week, in the context of Open Hardware Month.
In a tangible micro-showcase key objects, items and hardware relating to modern-day cryptography are displayed and are put in a museum setting of a speculative future. These objects tell individual stories between DIY and industrial manufacturing, and further position themselves as artefacts of an Opt-Out society.
Different trust models of the current hardware landscape in modern cryptography are on display. Open Hardware in this context offers traditional opt-out possibilities of the old vectors of traditional supply and demand. The deep knowledge of the underlying processes, techniques and materialities at hand do not only offer novel forms of attack (side channel-attacks, etc.) but can ultimately enlighten us about yet unknown methods of “exit”, if we accept them as elements of future cultural techniques.
2019-10-07 – 2019-10-12 RIAT at Blockchain Week Japan
During Japan Blockchain Week, RIAT will be in Osaka and Tokyo and will be holding workshops and talks. (more information online asap)
RIAT is finalizing the upcoming issue of the “Future Cryptoeconomics” magazine, with an emphasis on open hardware and cryptography.
2019-10-30 Decentralized Conference, Athens
We are inviting you to join us at the decentralized conference in Athens, where RIAT’s Matthias Tarasiewicz will be chairing a panel with young austrian cryptographers and security researchers. We will be on-site to discuss the findings and experiences from Open Hardware Month, and we will have some announcements of future projects!
If you want to support RIAT and Open Hardware Dialogues, you can do so at our support page.
Updates will be published to this site, so come back here.