Ralph Pichler is a Smart Contracts and Blockchain veteran, and co-founded one of the first Ethereum meetups worldwide in 2014. Dubbed the “Dennis Rodman of Ethereum” he became well-known in the community for being responsible for the Ethereum Constantinople Hard Fork Delay, which had been identified in 2018 and which had the consequence that Ethereum had to be rolled back because a critical bug had been identified in the EVM. Ralph had been #3 on the Ethereum Bug Bounty list, and is currently swarming around the top 10 of Ethereum security researchers internationally. Ralph has a background in security auditing and code reviewing, and works together with international companies such as Chainsecurity.

Ralph is executive board member of the RIAT institute and CEO of RIAT Labs (a company situated in Vienna, Austria). He worked on a multitude of blockchain projects for exchanges (e.g. Bitpanda) and coordinates projects together with Matthias Tarasiewicz. Together they have worked on over 30 PoCs and 10 MVPs in the Blockchain domain, and have actively worked with large blockchain projects such as Monero, Ethereum, as well as in the startup industry.